Montclair Quakers to host “QuED Talks”

On Saturday, September 16, Montclair Friends Meeting will host a morning of “QuED Talks”. QuED (Quaker Education and Discourse) is a free series for Young Adult Friends (Quakers). Each QuED Day includes food, worship, speakers, conversations, and more. All are welcome.

The slate of speakers for Montclair’s QuED day includes Pamela Boyce Simms, Hye Sung Francis Gehring and (tentatively) Charley Flint.
pamelaboycePamela Boyce Simms, “21st Century Inside-Out Quaker Activism,” is an evolutionary culture designer and a veteran of local, regional, and national resilience-building with the Transition environmental movement. She currently works with international Quaker, Buddhist, and African Diaspora Earthcare networks.
Boyce Simms holds degrees from Georgetown University, the L’Université de Dakar, in Sénégal, West Africa, and is certified as a Leadership Coach and Neurolinguistics Master Practitioner. She is an author at the Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) Editorial Collective, and at, a project of The Post Carbon Institute. A Buddhist-Quaker, Pamela is a Scholar in Residence at the Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation and a Buddhist Meditation Instructor.

Hye SungHye Sung Francis Gehring is a young adult Friend living in Philadelphia. He spends most of his time at the Japanese garden where he works, and dreaming of an apocalyptic Quakerism. He also writes (fairly) frequently about Quakerism, charismatic spirituality, and activism at

charleyflintCharley Flint is a Professor of Sociology at William Paterson University. She teaches Criminology, Sociology of Corrections, Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice, Internship in Criminal Justice, Gender, Crime and Society and serves as Criminal Justice Coordinator. Her current research interests are on interracial families, women (especially mothers) in corrections, and assessing community-based corrections as an alternative to incarceration.

Register at so we can feed you!

9am – Breakfast
10am – Worship
10:30am – Speakers, followed by Q&A
12:15pm (ish) – Lunch
After lunch, the afternoon is deliberately unscheduled. Those gathered are given the opportunity to connect in whatever way feels natural. Sometimes there’s worship, sometimes conversation, sometimes walks or games or singing, whatever. We finish no later than 4pm.

Montclair Quaker Meeting is at 289 Park Street, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043

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